Lillies: ". . . their flowers are large, and they are of a white color, with streak of pink. They supplied models for the ornaments of the pillars and the molten sea . . . certainly, if, in the wondrous richness of bloom which characterizes the land of Israel in spring, any one plant can claim pre-eminance, it is the anemone, the most natural flower to pluck and seize upon as an illustration, whether walking in the fields or sitting on the hill-side . . . its fine flowers render it a very conspicuous and showy object, which would naturally attract the attention of the hearers . . ."
Source - Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary
Hi! I'm Lily Beth. Welcome to my website.
This photo was taken on September 13, 2007. I'm 3 1/2 years old now. Scroll down and visit other parts of my site to read my story and see more photos!
This is a photo taken of me in October 2006 at 2½ years old but I was only 16 months old when I came to America to live with my Mommy and Daddy. I invite you to browse this site and share the story of how we came to be a family. There are also photo galleries with pictures of what I've been doing since I've been here. I hope you enjoy your visit and if you want to leave me a note, please enter it in my guest book. I love to hear from my family and friends
Now, here’s my story – enjoy!
This is the first picture I sent to my new Mommy and Daddy. I was living in China and they hadn’t even met me yet. It was taken when I was about a year old – March 2005.
I live in China, the province of Sichuan in the city of Chonqing. I was born on March 8, 2004, but don’t know who my natural parents are. Dilla and Justin are coming to get me to be my Mommy and Daddy and this is our story. With this website, we invite you to tag along and enjoy the journey with us.
There’s no need to log in, just feel free to “Look Around” at the different areas within the site. You’ll find stories and pictures “Day by Day” and if you want, you can even send us a message! When we get back, I hope to meet you soon!
UPDATES FROM LILY WHILE IN CHINA (Please read & scroll down)
Sunday, July 24, 2005, 12:10 PM local time - Guangzhou, China
Dear Visitors, With help from my Uncle Danny in California, Daddy fixed the problems with my website. I missed sharing my adventures with you, but Daddy and Mommy will catch you up now. Welcome back!! Love, Lily
Friday, July 22, 2005, 5:40 PM local time - Chongqing, China
Dear Visitors, Mommy and Daddy tell me that there are some technical problems with my website. I'm not sure what that means, but I know they'll get it fixed, whatever it is. When they do, we'll post more stories and pictures. Love, Lily