Monday, July 18, 2005
You might have noticed that we added a new section under the "Look Around . . ." header. Click on "Real Live Video" to see moving pictures of Lily. Also, click on "Lily's Pictures" for new galleries of photos of our daughter.

This is how we found Lily in her crib this morning
Our first full day with Lily was great (do you think it could have been anything but?). We started off this morning with a HUGE breakfast (well, at least Justin made 3 trips to the buffet) at the hotel. The Marriott, by the way, is spectacular!
Lily enjoys being fed by Mom!

Rey and his new son, Royce Obnamia

Lynn and Sage Obnamia with Dilla and Lily after breakfast
After breakfast, the Obnamia’s (Rey, Lynn, Sage and Royce – the family with whom we will travel for the rest of the trip) and we met in our guide’s (Eva’s) room to sign documents. From these, they would create the official adoption papers later this afternoon.

Eva is guiding Justin through the preliminary adoption paperwork.
That only took a half hour or so, and then we had some time to relax before going to the adoption office. Rey and Justin took the opportunity to find a shop on the street nearby to purchase a case of bottled water and 12 bottles of Coke. That was fun – since we don’t speak Chinese, and the shopkeepers didn’t speak English.

Rey and his daughter, Sage at the check-out for our beverage purchase
Just before 1 PM, we all piled into a van. We beat the crowd there, thanks to Eva’s good planning and advice. Eva submitted the paperwork we had done in room earlier and we took family photos for the documents. Within 20 minutes, other families and children started rolling in. It was neat seeing the other children, watching them get matched up with their new parents (apparently, some people don’t get to go to their kid’s orphanage, but are matched with them at this official adoption office).

Other parents are being matched up with their adopted children for the first time
While we waited, official documents were drawn up. Shortly, we were presented with a small gift from the adoption office and an original of the Chinese adoption certificate. The paperwork we completed there is now being submitted to the Chinese government in order to issue Lily her passport. We will wait in Chongqing until Friday, when the passports will be ready. This is the reason why we have to spend a week here. On Saturday, we will go to Guangzhou for the final leg of the trip. In the meantime, we will enjoy the sights of Chongqing – but first, lunch!
Oh! Before lunch, we made a quick stop at a local shop on the street. Our room is warm during the day – even with the A/C running, so Dilla wanted a fan. The hotel didn’t have any to lend (at least I don’t think so – we tried asking, but they really had a hard time understanding what we wanted). On the way to the adoption office, across the street, Dilla saw this shop with fans sitting out front. Before we bought one, I asked our guide if I should try to negotiate the price and she said it would be okay. The shopkeeper was not fazed, but stuck to her price. I think that since it was so hot, she figured she had the upper hand selling fans. Anyway, I shouldn’t complain - we purchased a full size, electric oscillating fan with 3 speeds and a timer for about $6.50 US dollars!

Our 2nd local purchase of the day - this is FUN!
With fan in hand, we took off for lunch. It seems that the local Chinese restaurants are closed between lunch and dinner, and it was nearly 2 PM so McDonald’s was convenient, quick, easy and agreeable to all. Dilla got the fried chicken sandwich, which is really spicy and good here. Justin wasn’t hungry (after 3 helpings of breakfast from the buffet at the hotel) but shared an ice cream cone with Lily. After lunch, we returned to the Marriott.

This was taken in front of McDonalds, looking across the street. There are huge advertisements all over the place!

Our guide, Eva minds Royce during lunch
Dilla and Lily laid down for a nap, but Justin was anxious to see a little bit of the city and take some pictures. I set out for a walk around town and took a bunch of video while Dilla and Lily rested. I ventured out into the heat and throngs of people. It was glorious! The terrain is hilly and the streets wind around all over the place. The streets are lined with restaurants and shops, which are glorified “booths” which sell everything from clothing, to knick-knacks to plumbing and electrical supplies. There are tons of high-rise apartment buildings and mazes of dwellings off the main roads. I wound my way down to the Yangtze River, and then made my way back to the hotel. I walked for nearly 2 hours and had a great time. I shot a lot of video, but not too many still pictures. When I returned, Dilla said that Lily had gotten up shortly after I left, so they had been playing in the room for almost the whole time I was gone.

Looking south over the historic Yangtze River

Buildings lining the South Bank of the Yangtze in Chongqing
We called on the Obnamia’s a little after 7 PM and all went down to the restaurant in the hotel for dinner. None of us were in an adventurous mood, and it just felt good to enjoy a meal together without any hassles. Between our 2 families, we’re totin’ 3 kids now, so the less hassle, the better! The hotel restaurant featured a fairly exotic buffet, but Dilla and I ordered off the menu, which was fine. I did enjoy a couple of local beers, which were very good, and a great way to end the day.
On Tuesday, we will go to the Chongqing zoo to see Panda bears (and the other exhibits, of course) and then it’s off to Wal-Mart (yes, you read that correctly) to get some baby supplies, like a stroller! We’re also running low on clean clothes, so it’s time to figure out how to get the dirty stuff washed, too.
Lily is in her crib asleep for the night and Dilla and I are not far behind. By the way, we’ve received so many wonderful notes via email and the guest book. We’re pleased that everyone is enjoying our reports and we appreciate the support and encouragement. We are telling Lily about the enormous bunch of family and friends that are asking about her and anxiously awaiting her arrival back home. She doesn’t have a clue what she’s in for! We’ll do our best to answer your notes, as we have time, but hope you’ll excuse us if we don’t get to all of them. We’re taking in all we can on this rare opportunity and hope you’ll understand. That said, it sure is nice to know how much we’re thought of while we’re gone. Thanks, Everybody!